Sunday, September 10, 2006

Khartoum's Ultimatum to the African Union: "Leave or Stay on Our Terms"

The National Islamic Front regime has engineered the military conditions ensuring a security collapse in Darfur
By: Eric Reeves

The ongoing collapse of almost all civilian and humanitarian security in Darfur is the context in which we must understand the significance of Khartoum’s unrelenting opposition to a large and robustly mandated UN peace support operation for the region. It is also the context in which we must understand Khartoum’s very recent and quite explicit ultimatum to a crumbling African Union force, which presently stands as the only international security presence in Darfur:

“If you wish to stay in Darfur beyond September 30, 2006, then you must agree to do so without being converted to or incorporated into a UN peace support operation. If you do not agree to these terms, then you must leave. Moreover, if you decide to stay, then you must agree that future financing will come from our coffers here in Khartoum and those of the Arab League.” Read more >>>

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